Transcription FAQs
We offer three types of transcription:
1) Edited - Typists remove all slang, grammatical mistakes, stutters, and false starts.
2) Verbatim transcription prioritizes exactness, capturing word-for-word what the speaker says
3) Intelligent transcription balances the need for authenticity with a focus on clarity. The typist omits distracting errors, yet the original voice of the speaker is still preserved.
* Original sentence: “I, um, like—to be very transparent with you right now, I don’t remember; I just can’t recall where I was that night.”
* Edited transcription: I don’t remember where I was that night.”
* Verbatim transcription: “I, um, like—to be very transparent with you right now, I don’t remember; I just can’t recall where I was that night.”
* Intelligent transcription: “Well, to be very transparent, I just can’t recall where I was that night.”
Transcription helps you convert recorded speech to text and can be used to transform your audio recording through into a document such as:
Class lectures
Business meetings
Medical Appointments
Zoom videos
Your order will be top priority when assigning projects, when the order is placed within business hours. This means that there is a quicker turnaround for projects in which you need returned immediately.