Do you need assistance getting matched for careers that may be most aligned with your skill set and personality? This service consists of administering valid and reliable assessments to help you explore career paths that may be best suited for you. Ezrah's Aid will provide specific recommendations as well as a detailed report of the findings from any assessments in which you complete. Ensure you have signed your participant consent form for testing and attach it to your order form in order to have access to your assessments.


  • We administer valid and reliable career and personality assessments which may include:

    • Campbell Interest and Skill Survey (CISS)

    • Career Assessment Inventory – Enhanced (CAI-E)

    • Career Assessment Inventory | The Vocational Version CAI-V

    • Career Decision Making System (CDM)

    • Interest Determination, Exploration and Assessment System (IDEAS)

    • Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire | Fifth Edition

    • Millon Index of Personality Styles Revised

  • The assessment you are given is dependent upon how you complete the form attached to this order. There are certain assessments that are more suited for certain categories (i.e., education, gender, career field)

  • When analyzing assessments it is important to be able to identify patterns, make correlations and find relevant connections. This information can more easily be obtained when administering more than one assessment.

  • Please set aside at least 60 - 90 minutes in a distraction-free environment to complete the assessments.

  • You will have the option to select that you want your results explained to you by phone call or virtual conference (i.e., Zoom) in your order form. When this is selected, you will be notified when the results are ready and will be given a link to schedule the appointment.

    *Please set aside 15 minutes for the feedback session.

Career Matching Assessment

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Career and Personality Assessments
from $75.00
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