Terms of Service


We want to let you know what Ezrah’s Aid provides and what we need in return to ensure your work is completed to the time, quality, standards, and any other requirements you have. The terms and conditions listed on this page explain the services, limitations, guarantees, and other aspects of the services we provide and let you know what you can expect of us and what we can expect of you.
Whenever you ask Ezrah’s Aid to work on your behalf, you and any organization or business you represent explicitly agree to be bound by and agree to all terms and conditions listed on this page. These terms and conditions form an automatic, irrevocable, and essential agreement that explicitly exists between you and Ezrah’s Aid. 

Before asking Ezrah’s Aid to carry out work on your behalf, please read these terms and conditions carefully; asking Ezrah’s Aid to do so confirms your explicit acceptance of these terms and conditions. If there is any part of these terms and conditions, our service, or any aspects of our business that you do not agree with, your sole remedy is to discontinue using Ezrah’s Aid services.

  • "We,” "Us," and "Ezrah’s Aid" relate to our business. "You" and "Customer" relate to you.

What you can expect from Ezrah’s Aid:

  • Ezrah’s Aid will complete your work by the deadline we’ve agreed with you. We will follow any special instructions you provide through the quote form or email. We will carry out copy editing, proofreading, writing, or other services to the quality and standards laid out on this website and in these terms and conditions. We will always treat you and your work with professionalism, courtesy, honesty, and integrity. We will meet all of our commitments to you. We will edit to US/American English spelling and grammar as standard.

What we need from you:

Please let Ezrah’s Aid know of any special instructions prior to us starting the work, including:

  1. Your deadlines.

  2. Preferred formatting or styles.

  3. Any special requirements.

    • Please submit your work to us by the timeline we agreed with you; we may not be able to edit work submitted late, or we may need to alter the deadline or price. Please only submit completed work to which you don’t expect to make any further changes; if you make changes and need us to edit them, we may need to make an additional charge. Please make payment to the terms agreed; if we’ve asked you to pay upfront, we will start to work once we have received your payment; if we have asked you to pay a portion of the cost upfront, you agree to pay the balance due on the invoice prior to us returning the work. If you have questions about any aspects of your work or what we can do for you, please ask. Click here to submit a service inquiry form.

If you can’t meet Ezrah’s Aid terms above, it may prevent us from completing the work, delay us returning it to you, or incur an additional charge.

Although Ezrah’s Aid provides extensive editorial services, we make no claims to be able to do the following:

  1. Statements, information, instructions, facts, calculations, claims, conclusions, and research: we don’t check or confirm the validity or veracity of information, instructions, statements, facts, calculations, conclusions, or other information reached in your work, research, methodology, approach, or claims.

  2.  Copyright and other legal issues: while we can sometimes offer advice on when you might want to seek advice on copyright or other legalities, we aren’t experts and strongly recommend any copyright or other legal questions be directed to a professional legal service or your publisher.

  3. Plagiarism: we cannot offer to find any instances of plagiarism in your work.

  4. References: while we will check the format and consistency of your references, we won’t read through referenced articles and documents to check their validity in supporting your work.

  5. Theses, papers, and dissertations: we will not write or provide research to support writing papers, theses, or dissertations; we won’t paraphrase other articles for use in papers, theses, or dissertations; we cannot guarantee any particular mark or score as a result of using our services.

  6. Although our editing will enhance your work, naturally, we can’t make any specific guarantee of your acceptance for publication, grade received, or other desired outcomes.

  7. Although we make every effort to be accurate in our editing and proofreading, we cannot guarantee that any work will be completely error-free when we return it to you.

  8. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list. If you want to check if something is covered in our services (that isn’t specifically stated elsewhere on the site), please get in touch with us. You can click here to complete a service inquiry

Copyright and ownership of content and documents

The client retains ownership, control, and copyright over all documents submitted to Ezrah’s Aid.

Refusal of services
Ezrah’s Aid reserves the right to refuse service to any client or prospective client for any reason and without explanation.